
Showing posts from July, 2005

The Political Spectrum Is A Moebius Strip

(Welcome to Baby's First Blog. As long as I've been living and working on the Internet, I have yet to inflict my opinions on the rest of humanity, unless I have been personally there to pound the table and send the silverware flying. So, pull down your face shield, and let's start running this carcass through the meat saw:) I have long felt that the spectrum of politics is actually a continuous loop That is, if you go far enough to the left, you actually come back out on the right. A liberal can become more and more pinko, until all of a sudden, whammo! he finds himself a Christian right-wing nutjob. Okay, so my logical allegory has skipped a tiny step or two. My point, though, is very well validated by the current political state of the nation. I'll explain in a moment. I have always considered myself a political moderate who leans just a bit to the left: fiscally conservative, socially liberal, and just to the left of center on foreign policy issues. In other words: ...