I'm Not For Sale ... But I Can Be Rented

There are certain things I won't do with this blog. It's here as an overflow vent for my brain, not as a money-making mechanism. I won't put Google ads on here, and I won't sell space.

At the same time, I have a raging ego, and want as many people reading this nonsense as possible. Yes, I'm a Traffic Ho, and I'm not ashamed to say it. So, while I haven't sold out ... I have leased myself.

Over to the right, you'll see our first tenant in the BlogExplosion "Rent My Blog" sweepstakes: "Haunted House Dressing", by writer Jeremy Shipp. I think you'll agree with me that, if nothing else, this is the most unique blog design you're going to find. (I'm still trying to wrap my brain around some of the things he has written ...)

Putting my blog up for rent was an interesting experience. Within three hours of posting its rental availability, I had six offers from six outstanding blogs. Jeremy got the spot because he bid first -- as near as I can tell, within one or two minutes of my putting this up for rent.

To the other five bloggers who wanted the slot: You do wonderful work, and I'd be pleased to showcase you, so please bid again next week. (But I may as well warn you: the price is gonna go up ...)


"Jet" said…
Jeremy's site is awesome! I have frequented there often and will again through your site! Hi Jeremy!!
peebugg said…
He is a new renter of mine.

Did he make a mess while renting from you????

I like his blog too.
Airah said…
hey there.. haha.. i miss renting out my blog too.

hmm... jeremy seems to be a famous BE renter. I always see his blog thumbnail in almost every BE member's blog. well, almost. haha..
utenzi said…
Nice looking blog, Gary. I'm definitely voting for you.
Diana Crabtree said…
I have to agree that ads are tacky. I had put them on mine but took them down the next day, it cheapens things. I think "rent my blog" is different, it's for visits, not profit.

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